my life, my lyrics

nedelja, 17. maj 2009


the night was hot,
there was something in the air,
dont make me stop
I dont think, and I dont care,

every move you make,
and every word you say,
might sound so innocent,
yet I consider it foreplay

and while you talk to me,
all I think about is sin,
my hands just wanna go
the places that my eyes have been

dont leave me hanging on,
dont say 'fuck you', 'cos I just might,
you've taken off your pants,
and mine have just become so tight

the gloves are going off,
I wont be sayin' 'please',
you make a whole new meaning
to the 'begging on your knees'

you're breathin' heavily,
you're screamin', when you're done,
we'll be playin' games;
my turn, your tongue, it's fun

and when we're both all over,
when night is at its end,
when slowly we'll get sober,
we'll do it all again

petek, 15. maj 2009

ob koncu

.. in je vrgel kitaro v kot,
obleke na najbližja tla,
sedel na svoj mali kavč,
in spustil se skoraj do sna

zaprl oči, glavo na zid,
prsti spolze na klavir
v najtišji glasbi, le on in ta svet,
najde svoj blaženi mir

vse melodije, gosto prežete
z čustvi, srdom, toplino,
srce mu spet bije, le do trenutka,
ko spet se pogrezne v tišino